Saturday, December 06, 2008

Bad Santa

If you haven't got any kids around, check out Bad Santa with Billy Bob Thorton and Lauren Graham:

if you have got kids around, learn to look at a DVD's rating before you put it in...

What's this got to do with spanking? Nothing except that this Gilmore Girl certainly earns one or two (lifetimes worth) in this cute little role...


Anonymous said...

so....if the title is Bad Santa, how on earth does SHE earn the spankings? You Tops are so confused!

Jay Walker said...

I thought I'd actually work up the courage to leave a comment, I've been lurking for a while. I recently started my own blog and have had a few people come to visit. One of these people became a friend and gave me the link to your 'write your own spanking story'. I tryied it a couple of times and then added it as a link on my blog, I hope you don't mind.
Anyway I just wanted to thank you for your storys, I enjoy them very much.
Merry Solstice/christmas, Jay